thermodynamic energy

网络  热力学能; 热力学能或内能



  1. Based on metallurgical reaction thermodynamic analysis, materials and energy calculation and thermal test of COMI steelmaking process, the feasibility of COMI steelmaking process could be confirmed.
  2. What's the law of thermodynamic energy by newton?
  3. These various forms differ in their thermodynamic energy content, but not in composition.
  4. We use the vacuum tubes to heat the thermodynamic medium, then the energy of the heated thermodynamic medium will drive the low temperature thermodynamic machine to generate electricity.
  5. Establishes the mathematical model of the hydraulic calculation, thermodynamic performance and energy consumption calculation for heating systems. Develops the heating system performance analysis software which is helpful for the heating system reformation of existing buildings.
  6. That the methane expansion process is a polytropic process is presented, the calculation method of polytropic exponent has been pointed out. The thermodynamic model of energy exchange in coal and gas outburst process is established.
  7. Quantity in Thermodynamics& Thermodynamic Energy
  8. Solution of Thermodynamic Energy under Balanced State of Thermodynamics in Mono-phase Closed System
  9. An explicit metric algorithm is provided to calculate energy level efficiencies of steam thermodynamic cycle with multiple energy levels.
  10. Based on dynamical energy transport and thermodynamic energy balance in the earth's atmosphere-ocean system a steady two-dimensional climate model with residual circulation is proposed.
  11. Thermodynamic Functions and Binding Energy of Icosahedral Quasicrystalline Phase
  12. The article, after defining two new conceptions& thermodynamic potential energy and kinetic energy, puts forward a hypothesis of thermodynamic oscillation which results from transformation of each other.
  13. Based on the thermodynamic principle, this paper analyses the thermodynamic energy performance of air flow in tube on both conditions of equal wall heat flux and equal wall temperature, and presents dimensionless equations to express the thermodynamic energy performance.
  14. The thermodynamic free energy on mixing Δ G m and the spinodal equation in ternary homopolymer blends were obtained by making plausible approximation based on Flory ′ s equation of state theory.
  15. The upper limit of the thermodynamic free energy and the saturation mechanisms of the millisecond radio spikes
  16. Thermodynamic analysis of energy recovery system
  17. Statistical Thermodynamic Study on Cohesive Energy of Liquids
  18. Compared with conventional single generation systems the above-mentioned two systems both have a relatively great edge in terms of thermodynamic performance with energy saving rate in most cases surpassing 20%.
  19. A thermodynamic analysis of energy saving of a refrigeration cycle using refrigerant mixture
  20. Thermodynamic analysis of the total energy systems of gas turbines
  21. Thermodynamic analysis and energy saving for air conditioning systems
  22. Thermodynamic effectiveness features the energy utilization economy of an equipment item under the condition of its having attained a given technical objective.
  23. During the course of steam-injected thermodynamic oil exploitation, energy loss in the ground pipeline and well bore ( especially well bore) has a direct influence towards thermal recovery effect.
  24. CALCULATION OF THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF In-Bi-Tl TERNARY ALLOYS Thermodynamic calculation of energy consumed for boundary friction during martensitic transformation in single crystal Ni_2MnGa
  25. Thermodynamic investigation of new nuclear energy Brayton closed-cycle
  26. Thermodynamic Energy Performance of Air Flow in Tube
  27. The calculated results by density-functional theory ( DFT) proved that different substituents influenced the thermodynamic energy, molecular configuration and MOs orbitals of univalent porphyrin zinc species and the stability changed consequently.
  28. With the exploitation and rational use of energy, some descriptions for traditional thermodynamic system which only analysis energy based on the quantitative loss or quality depreciation have to meet the needs of theoretical research and practical application, and the theory of exergy needs to be further developed.
  29. Then comparing the variety of different free radical spin trapping agents 'thermodynamic energy of the spin adduct, the reaction enthalpy is to determine a more stable structure among spin trapping agents, which is validated through experiments. 2.
  30. To the system of equilibrium thermodynamics in the electromagnetic fields, the electric parameters and magnetic parameters is added to the differential expression of thermodynamic energy by the use of energy axiom, differential expression of electric energy and magnetic energy.